Dynamic Systems Theory
The concept of performance enhancement is continually evolving. Despite advancements, traditional training science does not consider the self-organizing capacity of athletes and enormously simplifies the complex nature of human movement and sports performance.
Dynamic Systems Theory is the best way to describe how movements are produced and helps organize the structure of our development programs.
In the same way that a funnel guides water, constraints shape and form the parameters of your body and therefore your movement potential.
"Dynamic Systems Theory is offering new tools to explain the behavior of the neuromuscular system and offers useful principles to be applied to sports training. DST is changing the view of mechanisms of adaptation to training and introducing important changes into performance targets and training methods, challenging scientists and modern coaches to find suitable solutions to optimize the training process."
-Torrents, Balague 2018
Dynamic Systems basic premise is that movement behavior is a result of complex interactions between the individual, the task at hand, and the environment.
These are commonly referred to as constraints.
Often seen as a negative term synonymous with restraints, constraints under DST are viewed as a neutral term referring to the influence on behavior.
Constraints are boundaries, features or variables that govern movement. They amplify or limit movement.
The Complex Adaptive System that is human movement is characterized by self-organization and constant evolution. Therefore, physical capacity is an ongoing process. Patterns of movement are not built in. Movement is dependent on how the parts interact and movement skill comes from evolving the underlying systems parts.
Manipulation of just one constraint can cause the spontaneous reorganization of the other constraints to produce new movement behavior!
The development of constraints fundamental to movement quality in combination with traditional strength and conditioning is how we optimize the training process.